Playing a lot of RDR2 for the first time. The minigame “Five Finger Filet” annoys the hell outta me. So wrote an AutoHotKey script for it. It goes about 12 fillets(?) per round.
`#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
keys := [“s”, “d”, “a”, “s”, “a”]
SetKeyDelay, 0, 50
While !(GetKeyState(“x”, “P”))
for key, val in keys
Send {w down}
Sleep 50
Send {w up}
Sleep 100
Send {%val% down}
Sleep 50
Send {%val% up}
Sleep 100
Read Dead Redemption 2
Five Finger Fillet
AutoHotKey script
(change the keys array every round).
Edit: Just realized hashtags work!
Still trying to figure out microblogging. Sorry if I used it wrongly. I didn’ t expect it to show up on the gaming frontpage. I fucked up the formatting as well I see :/
That’s my second favorite mini game after poker. I find it fun and reasonably challenging. The only reason poker beats it is because I get to murder anyone who has a better hand than me which is something that is frowned upon in real life.
Not familiar with RDR2, but I’m into ahk, and you said that you change the keys every round. Would it be helpful to have a prompt ask you what your 5 keys have to be? That way you wouldn’t have to edit and rerun the program. Just control a again and it would open a new window asking what your keys will be.
@derekabutton Definitely! I tested it out, but couldn’t get it to work in the first try, so took the lazy route and just hardcoded the sequence in.
A wise man once told me that technology isn’t about making simple things complicated. It’s about making complicated things simple.
The code for the prompt would probably be twice the size of the rest, and would take quite a bit more time than it would save. Sounds like you had the right idea in leaving it out. I can never keep myself to those obvious limits and it’s always such a waste automating for hours to save seconds lol