That’s a pro-cryptocurrency source. Scanning down the page, the first result from a source I recognize is an article called “Bitcoin Is A Cryptocurrency, But Is It Money?” from Forbes. It doesn’t directly answer the question my search term asked, but it does say “Economists say that money performs three functions. … Does Bitcoin do any or all these things? In brief, no.”
Cryptocurrencies are definitely not great currencies but they are definitely already used as currency by many people.
@Rumblestiltskin @TootSweet #BTC is a bad currency, but others can be great!
Three seconds of googling (well, I used DuckDuckGo, but anyway) suggests otherwise.
Can you show me what says that?
That’s a pro-cryptocurrency source. Scanning down the page, the first result from a source I recognize is an article called “Bitcoin Is A Cryptocurrency, But Is It Money?” from Forbes. It doesn’t directly answer the question my search term asked, but it does say “Economists say that money performs three functions. … Does Bitcoin do any or all these things? In brief, no.”
Somebody’s opinion. Nice