It’s an English name for something another language (I believe Chinese) has a simple name for. Kind of how the translations for “nephew” and “cousin” are the same word in my native language, but much more specific. The iOS contacts app has fields for these if you want to label your contacts as such.
Yeah, this is actually a non-example, but the concept is still valid. I think the real solution is to make use of OOP and go with a short, descriptive name that’s available in scope.
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I’m glad you provided a link, because I would not have believed you otherwise. Take my upvote.
It’s an English name for something another language (I believe Chinese) has a simple name for. Kind of how the translations for “nephew” and “cousin” are the same word in my native language, but much more specific. The iOS contacts app has fields for these if you want to label your contacts as such.
Cant use the same defence for CMMetadataFormatDescriptionCreateWithMetadataFormatDescriptionAndMetadataSpecifications, though.
It’s not just Apple, Microsoft has ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptorA but that one is honestly not even that bad.
Yeah, this is actually a non-example, but the concept is still valid. I think the real solution is to make use of OOP and go with a short, descriptive name that’s available in scope.