Edit: Looks like you can opt-out of that “new look and feel” pretty easily under the appearance settings but still, whats with putting rounded corners everywhere?
Edit 2: “Explore the web with a softer, more friendly aesthetic featuring rounded corners […] Designed to complement your operating system, whether on Windows 11, MacOS, or Linux.” The fuck does that mean? Windows 11 fair enough but most Linux distros don’t look like that at all.
That was my takeaway.
THeSe mOroNs dOnT knOw What ThEYre dOIng! WHo thOUgHT thIs wAs a GooD IDeA?!
Probably the hundreds of focus groups that were behind the decision shrug
Yeah no joke. My company is much smaller than MS but they still do tons of user research and surveys. They’ve also been adopting rounded corners for everything. It is easier on the eyes for sure. I like it. The dev types who dominate lemmy always think they know better than ux, but most of them are comically bad at design.