I came to Lemmy cause Reddit went to shit, so I get that people want to bash it and I also understand that most of the users of Lemmy are from the US and the shit show that’s happening there right now, but I am absolutely tired of these 2 types of posts being the only thing in my feed, I open this app because I want to learn new interesting things, and maybe see some funny and creative stuff, there’s enough negativity and stress in my life and I don’t need more of that on my only social media app. How do I filter these topics from my feed and which communities can I join to improve my feed.
I’m starting to see that most Canadians are more interested in american politics than in their own countries politics. When a gigantic behemoth is wounded, and about to fall, you get a lot of rubberneckers. Sadly, I include myself in this list.
As a Canadian, I engage more with American politics online because more online content is American politics than Canadian.
Would you like to discuss the failure of the liberal party to deliver on promised electoral reform?
If it’s falling towards you, it is indeed good to pay attention to that. Also, please accept my apologies that our bullshit is spilling over the line.
I feel like we always have been - the Trudeau Sr. quote comes to mind:
Living next to you [The U.S.] is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.
Only more so now that said beast is trumpeting, stomping its feet and shitting everywhere.