• Easy Mode: Weird Al tracks are allowed.
  • Hard Mode: No Weird Al.
  • usualsuspect191@lemmy.ca
    9 days ago

    Maybe a stretch as it’s not parodying a song but parodies Star Wars kinda sorta? Seagulls! (Stop it Now)

    Lonely Island has a few (Jack Sparrow) comes to mind but again not a direct parody of a specific song.

    Richard Cheese does straight up covers but they are so stylistically different that it’s basically a parody. Chop Suey

    Then there’s the classic comedy music duos: Garfunkel & Oates (Loophole), Flight of the Conchords (Business Time)

    Bo Burnham’s whole Inside special is fantastic too.

    Looks like I’m mostly listing comedy music and not necessarily parodies, but oh well.