To those who live in or who have visited the United States.
Growing up in the 90’s, the “minimum acceptable” tip was 10%, average was 15%, and a good tip was 20%. These days, I just round to the nearest dollar and tip 20%, but I’ve heard these days it’s not unusual to tip up to 40%!
What do you usually do?
I usually try to tip relative to the cost of the food. If I bought something really cheap (few dollars) for a few dollars I might tip up to 40% but if I got something more expensive I will usually tip like 15%. I try to consider how much effort the server has put in since I think it makes sense that way. If I only see the server 3 times but they deliver a really expensive plate of food I don’t think they deserve as much as someone who might have delivered multiple plates or had to do extra work like splitting the check.