Still, Telegram has much many features and security standards that WhatsApp don’t have, and they need to copy them. WhatsApp has been copying Telegram for years already…
It’s a really simple matter of practicality. I can either use whatsapp and talk to people or I can install telegram and send messages into the void, because no one fucking uses it.
well thats fine ofcourse …making all previous pro whatsapp arguments kinda invalid.
“i wanna chat.but only with my bubble. because we are right. has always been lile that. why dont i understand what the kids say these days? why am i being ignored in the workplace? was i stubborn? i am a dinosaur? why am i so alone? why do my grandkids hate my point of view?”
and so on…
It actually won’t show many modern webpages properly anymore.
right? and whatsapp wont show modern people anymore. even in the US the adoption rate is in decline. (see 18.)
lmao what
Well, there you have your answer.
Still, Telegram has much many features and security standards that WhatsApp don’t have, and they need to copy them. WhatsApp has been copying Telegram for years already…
and you think that is an argument for what? the least digital country in the EU. so you are with me on that one. LOL.
It’s a really simple matter of practicality. I can either use whatsapp and talk to people or I can install telegram and send messages into the void, because no one fucking uses it.
no. it isnt and you cant.
none of the next generation likes it. so stick with myspace as much as you want.
That’s great news. Found one more argument for whatsapp.
well thats fine ofcourse …making all previous pro whatsapp arguments kinda invalid.
“i wanna chat.but only with my bubble. because we are right. has always been lile that. why dont i understand what the kids say these days? why am i being ignored in the workplace? was i stubborn? i am a dinosaur? why am i so alone? why do my grandkids hate my point of view?” and so on…
I think you’re doing quite a lot of projecting here.