Heya, I’m currently running Libreelec 12 on an Argon One RPi 4B, but hit a snag when I wanted youtube playback. The “official” youtube addon needs an API key, which just adds complexity when you don’t use a google account. I’m fond of Newpipe on android and thought it would be a nice addition but there is no flatpack support. I’ve hit the limits of LEs atomic nature a couple times and so, wanted to check out alternatives. My requirements are:
working Argon One integration (remote and power signaling)
Kodi autoboot
waydroid/flatpack for Newpipe
ideally backed by an unrestricted Linux install for background services
Obvious contender would be OSMC, but whenever I search for setups and experiences, people just complain about all the stuff that doesn’t work, and there is no listing available for what comes included in the appstore/repo.
I could also go manual with RPiOS/Debian/Ubuntu, but I would like a set-and-forget kodi-box and taking a more generic distro might complicate things.
Can I get some opinions on OSMC, as well as what you are rocking on your Kodi-setups. Thanks in advance.
I use OSMC for all the RPis connected to TVs in the house and have no major complaints from a daily-driver standpoint. Can’t speak to your specific use case requirements, but is just flashing an extra SD Card and testing it out of the question?
I also use OSMC and have no major complaints. I’ve done some mucking about in the base at the CLI (NFS, fstab, adding some CLI tools), and have run into no issues. I’ve not done anything like docker on it as that’s all on my dedication d server
Good to hear. Having a raspberry and kodi focused base with an open Linux backend sounds good. Will try that later.
The nice thing on OSMC is that it’s Debian based (yet currently still on bullseye) thus, it offers many possibilities.
I second that and would like to add, that I didn’t find any other YouTube client, beside the “official” Kodi app by anxdpanic. However, as it relies on an API key to work, it can also play restricted content, which currently does not work on Newpipe and probably never will again.
There is sendtokodi, which uses yt-dlp. I’m a bit surprised that there are no newpipe-extractor clients for Kodi, since there should be hooks for everything you’d need. Then again, I don’t know how well it works outside of Android.
Nice to have a backup solution in case the other doesn’t work.
I’m not sure it works with kodi or not, but have you tested PlasmaTube? It uses Piped instances to provide youtube contents. Also available as Flatpak.
I’ve been working on what you want basically for awhile now. But currently what I’ve come with is:
Plasma Bigscreen with Waydroid (and instead of Newpipe I’d recommend Stube instead in Waydroid).
If you do want 1080p for Netflix etc for whatever reason, basically sandboxed Firefox with DRM enabled with (streaming service website) turned into a Webapp
Is it any good?
Well, on a raspberry pi 4 4gb, no. It’s very sluggish.
Maybe on a 5 with 8gb?
The next device I was going to test though is an Odroid C4 (4gb).
I’m currently going to meet with Bliss Rom creators to discuss getting Netflix etc working on Android as well in a sandboxed manner that still gives 1080p (maybe standard Android though with Flauncher instead of Android TV)
It’s tricky to have a privacy friendly device that can also run mainstream, well, streaming clients.
I’m making this to make an easy to use box that works with a plain IR sensor remote for my parents (along with a customized Rustdesk client app in case they need help).
If that’s not a problem though (like you want to use Radarr/Lidarr) then you can just a Lineage OS version of Android TV, although it seems Konstakang’s version has issues with audio over HDMI on Android 12 and above.
I personally don’t use streaming services so that won’t matter. Netflix is only to blame with there DRM that enforces arbitrary restrictions.
If you are doing something for your parents try to do what most people are doing. I would stick to stock Google TV with a dedicated Google account that way you aren’t recreating the wheel. It isn’t private but it is well supported and will be the smoothest experience.
The thing is, they care about privacy and such, but don’t know about tech really 😅 otherwise I would have gotten the easy route.
I know multiple people like this though.
In your case you should probably give plasma Bigscreen a try depending your hardware.
If you don’t mind a keyboard, I will say Ubuntu ran surprisingly well, but consider a lightweight browser unless you have 8gb + of RAM
I’m not using a keyboard for navigation. I have a remote for a reason.
Last time I checked KDE big screen lacked apps. I need a Jellyfin app at the bare minimum. Ideally there should be a dedicated app store.
OSMC is what I use (On a rpi3)
However, that isn’t going to work well with containers or Youtube. Why do you want containers? I would dedicate a device to Kodi since that will be much simpler.