I personally have not used Google much in the past 3 years since I discovered Brave browser
I’ve definitely supplemented some of my queries with chatgpt questions however I’m very concious of hallucinations, so I’m pretty iffy with it right now.
No lol
ChatGPT sucks at proper answers in my experience, I tried using it to generate code or summarise documents for me, but it sucked at both.
I can google well enough to almost always get what I need, but I can also see areas where google search is pretty shit right now - almost everything non-tech related that I google gives me a shit feed of SEO-keywords-bloated pages that have no actual content.
Problem is, I don’t think any search engine still comes close to Google. I’ve tried DuckDuckGo, and it’s crap in my experience.
I’ve had good luck with Yandex, but everything else is meh.
What are your search engine recommendations?
@shufflerofrocks @dl007 Have you tried using #Google’s #SGE?
I haven’t, I tried Bard but it was not great either, so didn’t bother with SGE.
Is it any good?
@shufflerofrocks #SGE is far better than #Bard. Although I don’t mind #Bard myself.
One nice advantage that #SGE has over both #Bard and #ChatGPT is that it largely refers to relevant up-to-date information. So if you want to ask such an engine about current events, #SGE is the best chat system to ask.
Ahh SGE does sound nice, I think I’ll give it a go, then. Thanks for the recommend
@shufflerofrocks You’re welcome!
Yeah,I tried pretty basic ,it often not answering question like chatgpt would, simply list the 5 links to questions,some question get answered in summary way…
@dl007 Hmm. I found it gave me some fair answers when I use it