If you care to read up on it, the article displays in my opinion, a lack of understanding or denial of Disney’s situation. Their movies are flop after flop, their Disney+ subscribers are going down the tank, and I’m sure their parks will start to suffer too. They will go down with this woke ship before they ever admit they are wrong.

  • sj_zero@lotide.fbxl.net
    1 year ago

    Seems to me like for the cost of a year or two of Disney+ you could own everything worth seeing on there and stop having to ask permission each month.

  • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    Vpns are so cheap. You can torrent every single Disney thing easily. Disney needs to understand they aren’t just competing with netflixs prices. They are competing with our time. At 7$ per month it in is not worth my time to torrent, categorize, store, monitor upkeep a movie collection. At 40$ per month it is worth my time.

    I already hate Disney. I don’t want my kids watching their new gay stuff. So if they don’t have a really good product parents will not pay for it.

    For now I use Netflix because I can search lgbt and delete all those titles from my kids shows. And that is cheap at like 9$ per month for 720p.