I’m losing my mind. This old graphics tablet connects to the PS/2 port on an old PC for power. There’s a separate serial cable for the actual data connection. I want to supply it power without needing to connect it to a PS/2 port, so an adapter for USB would be ideal.
I know others have achieved this but I can’t find the details. Can anyone help? The search results are full of Playstations because it misinterprets the “PS/2” part.
“Ps2 to usb adapter -playstation”
Seems to work. Also I have one in a box out in my garage if you want to borrow that one
Also I’d suggest addig “IBM” to the query
Part number for startech PS2 to usb adapter
Probably won’t work due to the higher power of serial compared to usb though.
Maybe the part I heard about is specially made to account for that too. Hmm. Thanks, I’ll look into it further. Edit: according to this video (3 minutes, 15 seconds mark), the adaptors do work.
You could always look into a PCIe serial card for the serial port, and the PS2 to usb adapter. Still unsure if it’ll work but it’s pretty cheap stuff to test out
Try searching for a “6 pin mini-DIN to usb adapter”
Are you sure that’s not an 8 pin serial connector? It doesn’t look like PS/2 from this angle
The other end looks like the PS/2 DIN connector.
8 pin serial can come in a round format like that. It looks slightly too large to be PS/2, and the other end being serial implies that this is a serial cable
I don’t have it with me because I’m helping someone remotely, but I’m almost certain it’s a PS/2 connection from a previous video call we had. I’ll double check though because that’s a good point you make. I should look out for that possibility.
Usually you can’t just patch USB to ps/2 pins. Others called out voltage might not be the same even if you aren’t using data.
You sure can with keyboard and mouse. Did that in the early days. Pretty sure I tossed that adapter though. Don’t have any ps/2 ports anymore.
It could well do. I decided to order this late in the night so if it doesn’t work for me I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks! https://www.amazon.de/PERIPRO-401/dp/B008DFVQFW/ref=rvi_d_sccl_1/260-2568866-1570737?pd_rd_w=FRiWx&content-id=amzn1.sym.13dbab83-f61c-4000-b9ab-184f02ce8fa2&pf_rd_p=13dbab83-f61c-4000-b9ab-184f02ce8fa2&pf_rd_r=HT9EAC1V4RGHXEPB1BF8&pd_rd_wg=Q6vzX&pd_rd_r=dd445555-e090-4140-b4c8-fb5363e7c1c8&pd_rd_i=B008DFVQFW&th=1
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