Because it’s only halfway through June and I’m over it lol
We have a new heat pump AC/heating unit, it has zero issues keeping the house cold, and we also have plenty of shade. The new AC unit is about $80 less a month to keep the house even cooler than before. It’s wild how efficient they are.
That sounds like a great setup! I’m in an apartment so just a free standing AC unit is the best I can do, but I got the model that’s meant for more square footage than we have so it does a well enough job.
Oh hey, you’re the mod for this community. Sorry for not dropping a more interesting link here, just trying to get some more activity in the PNW group haha
Don’t know what you’re talking about, this is a great discussion topic with heatwaves and potential fires incoming.
Fair point, I guess this thread does cover more than just “how about this weather?” lol
Speaking of fires, the same mitigations that people can get going (air purifiers, n95 masks) are also what we need to be doing against COVID so it’s great to get people talking about air quality. I am airqualitypilled and protectionmaxxing myself
How much was it to get one (the unit and labor)? My problem is we cadet heaters in every room so I am not sure how a heat pump would work to get heat (or AC) into each room.
It was about 4k all in. Based on returns though, absolutely worth the upfront capital.
Wow, I was quoted like 12k a couple of years ago. Apparently they have come down in cost. Good to know. Thanks!
We just did one and the cheapest quote was 14k. That was to swap and oil furnace out and install the heat pump. Minimal duct work except to fit the new indoor unit.
I think it’s also very dependent on how your house is setup. Mine was super easy.
Same way as every year recently, hiding inside by my AC unit with blackout curtains lol
Valid, I’ll be doing the same while cursing my south facing windows lol
Well, Mostly by installing a new heatpump.
when it gets too hot (probably mid july) I’ll set up my AC unit. not interested in paying giant electric bills…
Sometimes I hide inside of our network/server room at work where the A/C is running.
Careful, that’s how you get summer frost bite! I hated some winter days where I had to freeze in the server room all day to troubleshoot something lol
So far it’s not the heat, it’s the pollen that’s terrible.
Travel. And I bought extra AC units early this spring for when we are in town.
AC is much more affordable for me so that’s the route I took. Thankfully our place has good insulation so it’s normally not too big of an issue.
I always invite my friends who live in older buildings and let them know they can WFH from my place if needed haha
Yeah, I realize that sounded a little callous, now. We WFH and are self-employed, so “travel” doesn’t always mean vacation, just a new view over the laptop for the workday. And mid-week camping at higher elevations (as long as I have data service) is an inexpensive way to beat the heat.
Lowes and Bi-Mart had smoking deals on portable AC units earlier this year. With an older place and no central air, that was a lifesaver.
hasn’t been nearly as bad as it was last year, in fact where im at were actually on track to have one of the coldest recorded weeks on record for June before we hit some pretty consistent 80+. Apartment made new restrictions on window ACs so i had to fork over another $200 for a shitty portable ac that doesn’t cool nearly as well as the cheap window one i bought a few years back. Its better than nothing though, that’s for sure, im just hoping we don’t hit 110+ like we did last year a few times.