Call me drugs cause I fuck people up
Funny. The only thing I fuck is up. Can I have enough drugs for one large overdose please?
Call me a drug dealer because I sell you
Slavery detected on american soil
You can call me William T Sherman
Call me an elevator cause I lift people up
An escalator lifts more people up than it lets down. Stop letting people walk all over you. Keep moving forward.
Wouldn’t it be about equal? Everyone who goes up has to go down at some point. So besides a few defenestrations, both amounts would be the same.
I guess it depends, I see a lot of places with escalators and regular stairs were people usually go up on the escalator but use whichever one is closer or has fewer people on it to go down just out of laziness/comfort.
Winner of design competition 2003
I love these <3
Really one of the bestcalators of all time
They call me an escalator because I go to China to eat humans.