alyaza [they/she]
locking this since the AMA is now live. go over here to discuss it so your comments aren’t lost!

Finding questions he actually answered in this thread is quite difficult, so it’s easier to just look at his comments:

It feels so surreal to watch this train wreck in real time. This is a chief executive officer?

“We’re right, you’re wrong, cope and cry about, thanks for coming” type of AMA incoming, along with the fan favorite nothing burger with lame ass excuses on the side

Do we know when this is supposed to start?


BRB, I’m going to grab some popcorn

I’m sure it’s gonna be an absolute disaster. I can’t even fathom why they would think this is a good idea right now. Probably some roundabout bullshit about pleasing investors.

It really goes to show he doesn’t know what he’s going

He’s just going to edit everyone’s comment so it looks like they’re all praising him

deleted by creator

Too late. I just deleted everthing

Oh, this is going to be fun to watch. Better get some popcorn ready. My guess is that 99% of the comments will be about the move to kill all 3rd party apps and mod tools. Those comments will of course be upvoted to the top and then ignored by spez.

Waiting around for the shitshow. Reddit has been dying way before this API change. Moderation has been absolute shit and he has done nothing about it.

It’s gonna be filled with bullshit

Reddit tanking could push people to a more decentralized and neutral use of the internet. I can only hope!

Yeah Lemmy has been great so far. Some kinks, but the seems like a solid alternative to Reddit.

This whole debacle was the final straw for me to finally kick Reddit and move to a decentralized non-corporate platform, and I know I’m not the only one. Really hoping the general migration picks up a ton of speed after July 1st and more people learn that the federated model isn’t too scary or hard to understand🤞

Can someone please set up c/fuckspez, and scrape every comment from reddit today that contains the words “fuck /u/spez”?

Comedy gold in the making

Let’s not forget the time Spez untracably edited a user’s comment, only admitted it after being caught, and then joked about it. If he breathes, he lies.

Any idea what time this is supposed to begin?

The Verge reports the following:

CEO Steve Huffman is set to host an AMA about the changes on Friday; the company aims to start it at 1:30PM ET / 10:30AM PT.

I don’t see it happening. Reddit’s comments have been janky for 12 hours now. The site isn’t functioning proper. What a shock!

It’s going to be the greatest AMA since Rampart. I can’t wait.


They didn’t specify. They literally just said we’re gonna do an AMA tomorrow. Chances are it isn’t really an AMA so much as a “press release” with pre-answered questions of their choosing.

In Australia ministers in parliament often ask their own side lame softball questions to give them a prompt to talk about how great they are. We call them “Dorothy dixers”.

“/u/spez why is reddit so great?”

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